Sunday, May 27, 2007

A trip onto Dunbar's Lifeboat...

After a very busy week away from home for me, with my school class, to Benmore Centre in Argyll, it's been great to be home for what has been a typically busy weekend here too!
This afternoon, we walked down to the harbour at the northern end of Dunbar High Street, where it was possible to see, and indeed board the lifeboat! Sandy loved that- although both he and Anna were a bit unsure initially of the boat, as it was being rolled about in the strong wind. It's a lot smaller than the ferries that Sandy has been used to! On the way, we had stopped to take pictures by the seafront, which are shown.

After a long walk back up to our end of the town, we had another look to see how Asda's new supermarket site is progressing. I'm keeping photos of that under wraps at the moment. Sandy and I intend to go up there every week or two, take pictures, then finally release them once the site is finished, and the supermarket is open.

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Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A difficult week so far...

Olivia and her apple!

Taken today, when the medicine was working, and Olivia was feeling OK!

Sandy perched on the frame of his bed..

We're all tired. Very tired. It all started on Saturday when Sandy was allowed to stay up late to watch the Eurovision Song Contest with Anna and I. We then had a late Sunday bed after a street barbeque with some neighbours, and then, on Sunday night, Olivia developed a high temperature, fever and a cough which kept Anna and I awake most of the night.
Monday night was worse! Olivia woke at 1.10am and was crying on and off till 4am, despite having medicine. The result has seen Anna looking shattered today, and I feel knackered too! It's been difficult keeping myself going at work the last couple of days. This evening, Olivia again has been very late going to sleep- nearly 11pm to be exact, so we are hoping she is now so tired that she'll sleep most of the night. Fingers crossed! I suppose some might ask, "Why haven't you taken her to the doctor's?"
The answer is simple. We both know the doctor will just say to keep giving her the Calpol and Nurofen at regular intervals and it should improve. Yes, that's our caring Health Service in the UK!
Hopefully she'll be on the mend very soon.
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Sunday, May 06, 2007

Into May....

Fooling around in Sandy's bed.

Olivia on the slide...

Me, getting ready to take the next photo, of the garden...

Our garden...from the top of the fence!

Sandy asked us why we think he cycles to the Nursery every day, which is a total of at least 3 miles. He then proceeded to inform Anna and me that there are two reasons for his cycling:
1) To ensure he keeps fit...
2) To help save the planet!!

We both thought this was worth recording!
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