At last- something new!
I know - it has been a while! I've been lazy, on holiday, and latterly, over the past couple of weeks, we haven't had a camera at all, as our trusty Sony Cybershot gave up the ghost and refused to work at all.
So, I finally got round to buying a new camera- a Panasonic Lumix, which arrived today. Here are a few pictures from around the house, mostly close ups, to see how it performs. Try clicking on them for bigger versions. I still haven't added our holiday photos from 3/4 weeks ago- I'll try to get round to it soon- I promise!
Who's been eating chocolate, Olivia?
Anna relaxing in the conservatory.
Anna and Livvy.
Lots of detail in the face- this camera seems to take nice pictures!
Looking down the street, from upstairs. Taken on full zoom.