Sunday, February 18, 2007

Some days off school, an improvement in the weather, and a cycle to West Barns to feed the ducks...

It's been a short working week. I went back to school on Wednesday and Sandy only had one day of nursery, Thursday. On Thursday, Anna's weekend started, as Lachlan didn't come to see us, as he was sick.
After the cold weather that brought us snow the previous weekend, this weekend was lovely, even spring-like when the sun was out. We had planned to go to feed the ducks at Seafield Pond on Saturday, but Olivia has had a pretty bad cold, so she was actually asleep when we were supposed to be setting off on bikes! However, we got there this afternoon, when the sun was again shining.
By the time we got home again, it was getting cooler though. That didn't stop Olivia trying her luck at getting aboard a wee motorbike at the next door neighbours' house!

Olivia with Anna, in the kitchen.

Sandy, busy at the table.

Swans at Seafield Pond.

"Where are the ducks?"

In the sunshine.

Olivia decides to bypass learning to ride a bike, and goes straight on to the motorised version of two wheels!