Monday, September 15, 2008

September and early October news...

It's been a while since I last wrote, but I have been busy! Anyway, it's now our holiday time and we have been doing a few things close to home. A couple of days ago we went to Edinburgh Zoo with Sandy and Olivia, and today Anna and I managed to get a few hours to ourselves (thanks to my mum!) so we headed off to Paxton House, close to Berwick, for a walk around the grounds as well as some lunch in the cafe inside.

Olivia dresses up again!

Sandy and Anna at Edinburgh Zoo.

The penguins come out for a walk!

By the rhinoceros enclosure. Olivia doesn't look too interested!

Sandy was impressed.

Above and below- by the River Tweed, in the grounds of Paxton House, close to Berwick.

By the River Tweed, Berwickshire. A beautiful day for an autumn walk.

At the entrance to Paxton House.

A hungry Highland Cow!

In the summer in Finland, Anna was forever picking wild berries. In October here in Scotland, she's still at it- brambles this time!

In the woods, close to Paxton House.

Another picture of the Tweed.

Both of us, after a big lunch in Paxton House!

Paxton House gardens.

Another one of the Highland Cows.
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