Thursday, June 04, 2009

In the Czech Republic!

Taken from Charles Bridge, Prague.

Not quite a case of "Bought the t-shirt", more like the sweat-shirt!

I have spent a very enjoyable day here in Prague- it's the second time here for me in the last four months- and both times I have been here on eTwinning business- though today has been a sightseeing day!

Tomorrow, I leave Prague early in the morning to travel by train down to the south east of the Czech Republic, to the second city of Brno, population 400,000. There, I will visit ZV Husova, the winning school in the recent Schoolovision project I ran, and I'll be taking their trophy, to present it to the teacher and the pupils there. I'm really looking forward to that! Meanwhile, this evening, I'm relaxing in my hotel, which is close to the train station.

In the Old Town.

At the entrance to a market, where I found a Rubix Cube for Sandy.

Near Wenceslas Square

Further down near the middle of Wenceslas Square.

From the top of Wenceslas Square, looking north towards the river.

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Pupils WorldWide said...

Hi Michael
Thank you for sharing your expierence of Czech Republic. Hope you meet a lot of nice people. All the best for you and your family.

Yours Oleflemming

Jyrki Ikonen said...

Hei Michael!
Great photos. Hope you have a fantastic trip.
