Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sandy's 1st day at school and Olivia's 2nd birthday...

Monday 20th August was a big day in the Purves household... Sandy went for his 1st day in Primary 1! He went for two hours in the morning, and seems to have loved every minute, which pleased Anna and I very much. I'm actually writing this more than a week later, and so he has now settled in fully to his school life. It's funny, as he was saying that he was learning about the number "2" at school today, Tuesday 28th August. Funny, as he can count up to several hundred, and has been able to do this for a long time already! This evening, he got his money from his piggy bank, and we sat down and he counted it all out. He had a 50p, a couple of 20ps and lots of very small change including 2ps and 1ps. Well, he counted it all up without making a single mistake, announcing at the end that he has £2.46! He says he's saving up till he gets £8. I asked why. His reply?
"Because then I can buy a colour ink cartridge for the printer, and print all my own train pictures from the computer!"

(He said this because he is forever asking if he can print pictures, and I tend to complain about the amount of ink being used!)

Monday 20th August was also very important, as it was Olivia's 2nd birthday! Our little Princess is getting older rapidly, and she is a great source of happiness to us all. Olivia's speech, though slow to develop, is improving a bit now and I am hoping she progresses rapidly over the coming months.

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Monday, August 20, 2007

Some more photos from Boris and Ludmilla's visit.

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Gifford and Haddington with Anna's aunt and uncle...

Boris and Ludmilla, Anna's uncle and aunt are here staying with us from St Petersburg for 10 days. It's their first visit to Scotland- a big thing for them, as until last year when they travelled the relatively short distance from St Petersburg to Kotka in Finland, to stay with us, they had never been out of Russia!

We have been letting them see East Lothian, and they have been really enjoying seeing a totally different way of life...

Near to Gifford, with Boris and Ludmilla.

By the River Tyne, Haddington, with my mum and dad.

Anna and Olivia by the Tyne.

Sandy, next to a totem pole!
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