Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Winter Wonderland

Each Christmas and New Year, Edinburgh centre hosts a sort of carnival with fairground rides for children, and older children too. Today, we went along and although it was cold, we had a few shots on a number of the different rides and slides. There was a European Market, which included a Finnish stall!

By the Finnish stalls of the European Market.

By the entrance to the Winter Wonderland.

Sandy gets connected up to the giant trampoline!

Sandy on the giant trampoline. To be honest, he wasn't very sure about this!

Sandy and me at the bottom of the big slide!

Time for a German hot-dog.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The seal at Dunbar harbour!

As you can see from the photos and video, there is quite an attraction down at our harbour!

We went for a walk today down to the harbour. It was very cold! While we were there, one of the fishing boats that often lands fish and crabs was unloading some of its catch. Also there was the resident seal, that can often be seen swimming around the harbour. Today however, we saw it performing a trick! It took fish from one of the fishermen in the boat. Watch it on the video above. It was as good as being at the zoo!
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Monday, December 29, 2008

Karting at Raceland!

I went along to Raceland today, where 30 of us from Dunbar were involved in a Grand Prix on the outside karting circuit. A great day was had by all, and I managed to come 2nd in the Grand Final, which pleased me very much!

Before the start, the competitors get themselves kitted out with race suits and helmets.

One of the races.

Another action shot.

And here are the top two at the end of the day- I came 2nd out of all the competitors!

This is a short video of the karting, taken during the practise session. The races themselves were a bit faster and harder!
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Friday, December 26, 2008

Christmas 2008

On Christmas Eve, Anna cooked some delicious gingerbread cookies with Olivia, some of which were left out for Santa Claus to eat!

We spent the day, as usual, at my mum and dad's, where we enjoyed a wonderful meal, as always!

Sandy spent the morning building his latest lego creation- an X-Wing fighter from Star Wars.

My mum, with Anna.
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