Saturday, February 14, 2009

eTwinning Conference workshops

At the second workshop this afternoon.

Today is a very busy day! There were some introductions at 9am, followed by the results of a big survey that was carried out a few weeks ago, which I took part in, then it was on to the first of today's workshops. I went along to the Creativity workshop which was really interesting, as it gave me some good ideas for the future.
I'm off now to "Using eTwinning tools in a pedagogic way" which is then followed by a workshop for all the eTwinning Ambassadors. That one will finish at 6pm, and there will then be the chance to look around the various displays that each country has brought. I'll take some pictures and hopefully get them on at some point.
It's actually very difficult to find a Wi-Fi signal for free in the hotel. There is an option to buy internet time, but that's very expensive at about £12 for 24 hours, so I have managed to get a password from a guy from Poland, which gives me free access for a while today. If that runs out, I'll have to try to find another way of getting free access!
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