Sunday, April 08, 2007

Easter Holiday Week...What weather!

It's the end of the first week of the Easter holidays, and what a week it's been, weather wise! Sunshine every day, non-stop! More significantly though, the temperatures have been well above the average maximum for early April, which is around 9C. On Wednesday, our weather station recorded a top temperature in the shade in our back garden of 20.9C, which is very warm for this time of the year. Needless to say, we were out most of the day enjoying it all! Thursday was warm too, with the temperature hitting 18C. Every other day has been well above average, usually around the 13-15C mark.'s set to continue until at least Thursday of this coming week too. The school children are having a ball.

Sandy and Olivia relax in the kitchen...

Sandy's seals!

In the back garden, in the sunshine.

Our girl, with her Finnish headgear!

Sandy, about to head into Eyemouth pool for his swimming lesson.

"I'd better water the plants, mum, as it's been very dry this week!"

"Now for my next trick- washing the dishes!"

Olivia, decorating her hard-boiled egg on Easter Sunday.

The finished products...

Anna was working till Thursday, but she is now off for two weeks. This week, we have quite a few things planned to keep us busy, visiting friends, going for a train journey, heading off to East Links Family Park, Butterfly World and perhaps going shopping too. Happy Easter!
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